Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Economic Journal - Tuesday, 9/17/2013

(As of 7:15 am PST)
Stocks continue to inch higher but investors seem reluctant to make big moves ahead of the Fed’s two day policy meeting that kicks off today.  The Federal Open Market Committee which sets monetary policy decisions for the Fed is meeting today and tomorrow in a much anticipated deliberation surrounding the Fed’s asset purchase program, also known as QE3.  Most investors and the market expect the Fed to announce tomorrow the beginning of its bond ‘tapering’ strategy to wean the economy off the easy money policies that have driven long term interest rates artificially low since the financial crisis.  What is unknown, however, is how much the Fed will begin to taper.  Most economists expect a $10 billion reduction of the $85 billion per month in bond purchases the Fed is currently making.  We could be in for a wild ride in either direction tomorrow depending on what course of action the Fed takes.  Postponing the taper until October would likely cause a stock market rally, while tapering more than the estimated $10 billion per month may cause a selloff.   We’ll have to wait until 2 pm eastern time tomorrow to find out.  In other news today, shares of Microsoft are higher as the tech company announced a 22% dividend hike and a $40 billion share repurchase plan.   Economic data was light with a report on consumer prices showing inflation remains in check.  European and Asian markets are cautious ahead of the Fed’s taper decision.  Treasuries rose slightly sending interest rates lower while gold and other commodities are down.  Expect gains to give way as the day progresses and uncertainty over the Fed's decision prevails.

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