Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Economic Journal - Tuesday, 1/6/2015

(as of 7:10 AM PST)
Stocks are searching for a short term bottom amid turmoil and uncertainty.  The continuing drop in oil, now at $49 p/barrel has investors questioning whether this is a good thing or a bad thing for the economy.  While it acts similar to a tax cut and is sure to spur consumer spending, other effects include a decrease in capital spending and the possible resulting loss of jobs.  There is a huge new paradigm emerging and it might shape the world for years to come.  It's hard for the average investor or even the expert analyst to weigh the outcome of such a huge shift.  There has been no big dent in corporate profit projections but investor emotions are running high and when investors lose their appetite for buying, watch out!  Indexes are mixed but negative momentum continues to prevail.  Gold is inching up while interest rates are down on safe haven buying of US Treasuries.

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