Monday, March 17, 2014

Economic Journal - Monday, 3/17/2014

(as of 7:30 AM PST)

Markets are in the rally mode to start the week.  Despite international tensions from Crimea’s referendum to join Russia, stocks are in a risk-on scenario.  Perhaps investors are sensing that the Ukraine situation will be handled diplomatically, rather than through the use of force.  Sanctions against Russia seem to be a token effort on the part of the west and it seems that US and European protests are lacking substance.  There are some positive economic reports helping the rally.  The homebuilders’ confidence index rebounded sharply this month, and industrial production also had a strong showing.  There may also be thoughts that last week’s market declines were overdone.  Gold is pausing after last week’s big gains while oil continues to retreat.  The dollar is stable as are interest rates.  It would seem that the unsettled international situation could put a dent into this rally at any moment.

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