Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Economic Journal - Tuesday, 11/19/2013

(as of 7:10 PST)
Stocks are struggling out of the gate this morning.  Mega investor Carl Icahn threw water on the positive momentum by calling for a correction.  Though known mostly for his calls that benefit his own investment positioning, his comments sent shivers through the investment community as traders ponder if we have come too far too fast.  Gold is up slightly while oil continues its downward trend. Interest rates are stable.  International economic bodies have reduced future GDP growth prospects for 2013 and 2014.  Interest swirls around the new virtual currency known as BITCOIN.  Extreme price swings in the value of BITCOIN have occurred as the US Congress has hearings of the idea.  Could we be looking at a new global reserve currency to rival the US dollar?  Way too early to tell, but the fact that that the establishment is even dealing with it is a giant positive for the future of the BITCOIN.

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