Monday, June 4, 2012

Economic Journal - Monday, 6/4/2012

(As of 7:31 am pacific)
Today’s market action relates to trying to find stability after the crushing negative performance of Friday’s market.  Market open seemed to indicate minor conviction, but soon all indexes turned slightly negative.  Gold and oil were down slightly as well.  Interest rates continue to drop.  Volatility is stable, but slightly higher.  We think that the Federal Reserve Bank might come out with another round of economic stimulus shortly.  It is only a matter of time until the dramatic drop in the price of oil shows up at the gas pump, giving consumers a much needed break.  The oil drop should function similar to a tax cut and result in economic stimulation over the next few months.  Between historically low mortgage interest rates, a significant drop in gas prices, and a possible QE3 or 4 program (depending on how you classify ‘Operation Twist’) we don’t see this market swoon lasting for more than a few weeks.